5th Grade Reflections

5th grade is going pretty well the casual dont bring homework get in trouble do bring homework get a sticker just joking well a little bit… anyways its been a great year with my friends im excited for summer sad glad and mad mood i dont know what to do except have the best last days of school ever.I learned so much my head is about to to to…well EXPLODE!!!! but im telling myself dont let all the facts you learn go away this summer you still have long ways to go until a full adult forms to me its been an amazing year i will miss my friends and teachers!!!!!

So long 5th grade….

The most important thing i learned was:Science we are learning about the war and social studies the 50 states and capitals and in science we are going through time and learning japanese in computer lab.

My favorite project was:learning japanese and making the poster and science projects in Mr.Macks class.

I was most suprised by:When i passed the reading staar.

The thing i disliked most was:Learning the maps in social studies.